20 November 2010

31st August 2010

The move from my old flat to the house was relatively painless although there was a staggering amount of stuff which the slightly humourless 2-men-with-a-van begrudgingly had to squeeze in. We then waiting patiently for the call to say the completion had taken place and the keys were finally ours. At this point I should mention that buying this house was a pretty difficult experience with a new hurdle to jump everyday - this meant we were in complete denial that the house was ours until we had the keys in our hands. 

So...we got the keys and off loaded into the house...It had been so long since we first viewed the house that Dave couldn't completely remember what it looked like!! So I think we both secretly breathed a sigh of relieve when he gave it the thumbs up! 

We were in by around 5pm - but we had been forced into a move that took place the day before Dave's last exam (Chartered Accountant finals) and my first day back at work after a summer break (ideal!!)- so the first night involved fish and chips and roughly putting the bed up in the more 'liveable' of the bedrooms. We then attempted a decent nights sleep which failed on my part as I tried to get used to the noises of the house (note to self - the boiler clicks twice every half hour and is in no way the sound of a burglar breaking in) We headed off first thing a little dazed and confused but looking forward to getting home as soon as possible at the end of the day to check our keys still worked!

So we have officially done it, finally, Sophie Harris and David Campbell live at number 12 Quill Lane.

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