21 November 2010

Me vs Wallpaper

I also took a day off work to try and pull my weight at making a difference to the house. I wasn't exactly sure were to start as Dave seemed to have the main bedroom under control. I wondered about a bit moving things from one corner to the other and making no difference other than making the place a bit tidier. I then chanced upon a piece of wallpaper hanging of the wall at an intriguing angle. Instantly, I knew I had found my days calling. I set about removing all of the wallpaper from the stairs and hallway (well as high as I could reach) Underneath even more peach wallpaper there was a mixture of some stunning aqua green/blue paint and beneath that what looked like some 50's/60's reddish paper...

Yes - I took his picture myself (Dave has no love of camera's
and I needed to prove I had done some of the work!!)
A few hours later satisfied with my slightly manic ripping and scratching of paper I was faced with the task of cleaning up the bomb-site I had created...but what a satisfying afternoon.

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